It is important sexual health is not forgotten about, says Bradshaw

COVID-19 Health Paula Bradshaw

Alliance Health spokesperson Paula Bradshaw MLA has encouraged everyone in Northern Ireland to consider their sexual health when COVID-19 restrictions ease.

Her statement comes as the South Belfast MLA welcomed the beginning of Sexual Health Week, which runs from February 8.

“Sexual Health Week this year marks a period of sexual inactivity for those who are staying at home without a regular partner, and I know many will be looking forward to socialising when restrictions are eased. It is important whilst taking measures to protect yourself against COVID-19, sexual health is not forgotten about,” she said.

“It is an opportune time to test for sexually transmitted diseases, and I would encourage anyone who is overdue not to delay making an appointment due to the ongoing pandemic. Like wearing a mask, taking measures to ensure you are sexually healthy is for your own benefit and for the good of others.

“The ongoing situation should act as a reminder to us all of the AIDS pandemic, and the absolute importance of practising good sexual health. Going forward, it is essential to wear a mask, wash your hands, and use protection.”