Opportunity to tackle Assembly dysfunction missed, says Guy

Alliance MLA Michelle Guy has expressed frustration that work to accelerate reform of the Assembly to prevent future collapse has been missed.

Political Reform Michelle Guy

The Lagan Valley MLA was speaking after the latest meeting of the Assembly Executive Review Committee (AERC), with Sinn Féin, the DUP and UUP all voting against her call for action on measures to tackle institutional instability within the Assembly.

Speaking after her proposals had been voted down, Michelle said: “For five of the last eight years, the people of Northern Ireland have had no government. They want and need stability. And while the Assembly has returned, the institutions remain as stable as they were the day before the last collapse.

“Today was an opportunity for parties to collaborate and vote for stability, which they all publicly state they want to see, and the reforms needed to make it happen. I proposed we look at designations and the process to appoint a First Minister and deputy First Minister. This would have simply looked at options and heard evidence on this issue.

“Sinn Féin, the DUP and UUP voted against that, demonstrating no urgency or genuine commitment to tackle the institutional dysfunction that compounds the impact of repeated periods of collapse and underfunding of public services here. The public want to see us work together to make this place better, but today other parties opted to delay.

“Alliance is not disheartened and we will continue to raise the issue of reform, including at the next AERC meeting. The people of Northern Ireland deserve a government which cannot be held to ransom by one party on a whim.

“Twenty-five years ago this week, powers were devolved to the local institutions. They were of their time and never perfect. If we want to see them last another 25 years, reform is vital and others burying their heads in the sand will not help deliver that.”