Blair criticises PSNI after ‘victim-blaming’ rape leaflets distributed again

John Blair Police

Alliance Policing Board representative John Blair MLA has criticised the PSNI after it confirmed its officers were responsible for sharing leaflets which linked rape victims to drinking alcohol.

Police said the leaflets, which were distributed to students at the Magee Campus of the Ulster University, follows a previous similar incident in Belfast last year.

“This has happened before. Police apologised and admitted their error when similar leaflets were distributed last year, and all remaining leaflets should have been destroyed then,” said Mr Blair.

“It should therefore not have happened again and measures should be put in place to make sure that is the case.

“In the interest of consistency across all policing areas, and more importantly, with regards to a victim’s confidence in policing, consistent practice is crucial, and a prevention of any perception of victim-blaming is vital.”