Alliance South Down representatives to present petition to Economy Minister opposing Gondola development.

Alliance South Down MLA Andrew McMurray, alongside Mournes Councillor Jill Truesdale and local campaigners, will present a petition to the Economy Minister on Monday (2 December), calling on Newry Mourne and Down District Council to halt progress on the Visitor Centre at Thomas’s Quarry and Gondola elements of the Mourne Gateway Project.

Newry Mourne and Down District Council Andrew McMurray Jill Truesdale

“The people of South Down are concerned, frustrated, and, frankly, fed up when it comes to the lack of regard shown for their concerns by other parties who remain intransigent and still champion this deeply unpopular part of the plans.

“There is no shortage of reasons why we oppose the Gondola and have unfortunately ended up in this situation today. Whether it’s the lack of public consultation on it, the disregard of other, more sustainable, alternative uses for the funding, the financial risk involved and lack of economic viability, or the threat to the local environment and disruption of our area’s vast and unique natural beauty.


“In presenting this petition to the Economy Minister, we hope to draw his attention to the feelings of local people towards this project and urge that he would exert some influence to prompt a rethink of the problematic elements.”


Cllr Truesdale added: “Openness, transparency, and ensuring value for money for our ratepayers should be at the heart of decision making at every level of government. From what we’ve observed so far in the development of the Gondola aspect of the Gateway Project, these principles haven’t been met and I’m proud to stand alongside local campaigners making their voices heard on it.


“Going forward, we hope that the more sustainable options for enhancing the Mourne Mountains, while also stimulating economic growth, can be further explored, which would benefit both visitors to and residents of Newcastle and the wider South Down constituency.”


Andy Carden, of the Mourne Gateway Info Group, added: "We're incredibly pleased that our petition against the Mourne Gateway Gondola has garnered more than 5,200 signatories, and will be presented tomorrow.


"These signatures represent the overwhelming public opposition to this aspect of the Council's plans for the project, and we urge them to abandon the Gondola plan and turn to sustainable alternatives."