Actions, not words, required after racial equality review, says Bradshaw

Alliance MLA Paula Bradshaw has said actions, not words, are needed from the First and deputy First Minister, after a review of the outgoing Racial Equality Strategy found it had been undermined by no clear action plan and budget, as well as lacking established key principles and values for governance.

Racial Equality Executive Office

The review stated the strategy had a ‘lack of understanding between the established communities in Northern Ireland and the new arriving communities’.

Executive Office Chair Ms Bradshaw said the report contained nothing that wasn’t already suspected.

“Sadly, this review tells us what we already knew – there has been a consistent failure to deliver on racial equality by the Executive Office over the past decade or more,” she said.

"The review demonstrates the strategy lacked even the basics around good governance and a clear action plan. It is small wonder, as a consequence, many ethnic minority communities have lost faith in the Executive Office.

"It is also alarming there has been no response to the review from the First and deputy First Ministers. Ultimately, they are responsible for the Racial Equality Strategy and associated policy and legislation, so we need to hear urgently from them exactly what actions they are going to take to address the major deficiencies identified and to restore faith in the ability of their Department to change its approach and start delivering meaningfully on race relations.

"This is not a victimless failure. While reported crime in Northern Ireland as a whole was down last year, hate crime rose by 25 per cent. The deputy First Minister's response to an Assembly motion on the topic late last year was distinctly underwhelming, demonstrating no evident determination to put things right.

"The New Year offers the First and deputy First Minister an opportunity to put things right, but the review shows that doing so will take a lot more than words. What is required now, urgently, is meaningful action."