'I formally object to planning application LA07/2023/2274/F, for a Newry Civic and Regional Hub. This application is not supported by ratepayers of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council, as clearly expressed in the 2021 public consultation. It will have a detrimental economic impact on Newry and the District and will significantly increase our rates. Its location, design and scale are unsuitable and out of line with the Strategic Planning Policy Statement (ASPSS) for Northern Ireland, and the Local Development Plan. The failure to identify suitable brownfield sites or existing buildings limits its regeneration potential. The lack of proper stakeholder engagement and codesign means it fails to meet community planning laws under the Local Government Act 2011. Furthermore, this application should not be decided by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council as it is, by the council's own admission, a regionally significant application that should therefore be decided by the Department of Infrastructure.'