The South Belfast MLA was speaking after the Department of Health set out measures being implemented in order to try and plug the financial gap.
“A certain party still talks in terms of ‘taking its time’ on Executive restoration, but the fact is the health and social care workers for whom we stood on our doorsteps and applauded are out of time,” said Ms Bradshaw.
"The figures are very clear. There is a £472 million funding gap for health and social care in Northern Ireland, and in that is the £375 million required to implement the pay offer for Agenda for Change staff.
“It is small wonder almost three-quarters of the electorate voted first preference for parties who want to restore the institutions, get on with the job, and deliver a budget which will enable fair pay for health and social care staff. We should note not only is this a matter of basic fairness, but also a matter of ensuring staff can choose to remain working in the public health sector in Northern Ireland.
“The public may rest assured among Alliance’s highest priorities in any restored Executive will be safe staffing legislation, which would include a legally-binding assurance health workers will never be left behind on fair pay and conditions again.”