This comes after a street preacher was recorded making derogatory comments towards the LGBTQ+ community over a microphone system in the city centre on Saturday (29 July) during Belfast Pride.
"Belfast Pride is the biggest, brightest, most inclusive parade in our city. So, it was utterly depressing to hear the hateful messages being preached by people who proclaim to be Christians on Saturday. In my view, what was being preached constituted a hate crime and members of the public were visibly and audibly outraged by it," said the Balmoral councillor.
"On a day when our LGBTQ+ community is supposed to be at its safest, we have a small minority stirring up hatred, arousing fear, and inciting violence.
"I’m due to meet with the Assistant Chief Constable on Wednesday. I will be raising my concerns and seeking reassurance that homophobia and hate crimes are being taken seriously."