Councillor Long took the opportunity to raise the issue in Belfast City Hall and Belfast City Council will now write to the Department for Infrastructure on the matter.
"In recent months, there have been many complaints from residents about repairs undertaken in Belfast. We need assurances about how repairs are being signed off and that they are made to a satisfactory standard, providing value for money," said the Lisnasharragh councillor.
"Potholes represent a real danger to motorists and pedestrians and surely in a time of enormous budget cuts, we should be ensuring maximum cost-effectiveness.
"Some of the quality of the repairs calls into question whether anyone from the Department for Infrastructure is actually responsible for the sign-off of these repairs. We urgently need clarification on this, as recent failures point to duplication and a drain on resources.
"Belfast City Council will write to DFI to raise the issue regarding the standard of repairs to roads and footpaths."