The South Belfast MLA stated: "Although it has taken some time, I welcome clarification from the First Minister and deputy First Minister that they have accepted, at least in part, all ten recommendations made by the Inquiry.
"However, that leaves open the question of what aspects of the recommendations they have not accepted. While it is entirely in order for them to reject some aspects, they must be clear with the public which parts of the recommendations they will not be proceeding with. They must also be transparent about what the timescales are on ensuring that the recommendations are implemented.
"The most obvious question now is what the Executive Office proposes to do about the clear implication emerging from the Inquiry that Northern Ireland's government arrangements are too complex.
“This reminds us that institutional reform must be a top priority for anyone who wishes to see functioning democracy in Northern Ireland, and it reinforces the point that reform goes beyond just a small aspect of how the institutions currently operate.
"Fundamentally, the Inquiry has told us to end government by silo. We want to hear from the First and deputy First Minister exactly what changes they are proposing to make that a reality. This is vital for tackling future public emergencies, and for the efficiency of devolved government in general."
January 16, 2025
Detail and reform needed to provide reassurance about future public emergencies, says Bradshaw
Alliance Executive Office spokesperson, Paula Bradshaw MLA, has welcomed the Executive Office's statement that it has accepted recommendations in Module 1 of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry. However, cautioned that both more detail and institutional reform are needed to provide a more efficient response to any future public emergency.
Political Reform
Paula Bradshaw