Bradshaw welcomes victory for victims of contaminated blood scandal in Commons

Alliance Health spokesperson Paula Bradshaw MLA has welcomed the passing of an Westminster Opposition amendment extending interim payments to more victims of the infected blood scandal, with a new body to be set up to administer the compensation. 

Health Paula Bradshaw

The South Belfast MLA stated: "I am pleased the Opposition amendment was narrowly passed with cross-party support included from my own Alliance colleague, Stephen Farry MP. I know victims and their families here in Northern Ireland will be grateful to him and others for their collective efforts.

"I have had regular meetings with those affected by this tragic scandal here in Northern Ireland and, while I am struck by their courage and tenacity, the fact remains they have waited far too long for full recognition and compensation.

"It is essential now we work quickly to ensure that any new arrangements, including for a new administrative body, are UK-wide and that victims and their families are at last treated fairly and equally regardless of the part of the UK in which they happen to live. They will be assured of the Alliance Party's full support during the next steps."