Speaking after he attended a meeting with DAERA (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs) representatives this morning – alongside other parties qualified to form an Executive – Mr Blair said parties must now take all opportunities to reform Stormont, allowing a joined-up response to be more efficiently delivered.
He added: “While it was good to finally hear the plans put in place by DAERA officials to deal with the growing crisis at Lough Neagh, we cannot allow anything to slip through the cracks and must ensure a complete, cross-departmental action plan is delivered.
“The growing strength of public feeling indicates not only does the public want the issues around Lough Neagh dealt with, but they also want to see the lough protected and nurtured for all who use it.
“Now is the time for politicians to come together and ensure progress on the action plan outlined today is implemented and progress monitored. Targets must be met. The Public deserve it.
“Following today’s meeting the Alliance Party will continue to engage with stakeholders on the situation and ensure the public are kept informed of all outcomes.”