Armstrong welcomes increased health support for people in receipt of Universal Credit.

Alliance Strangford MLA Kellie Armstrong has welcomed the news that free sight tests, along with free dental treatment and help with hospital travel costs, will finally be available for people in receipt of Universal Credit (UC).

Kellie Armstrong Universal Credit

Ms Armstrong said: “Universal Credit eyecare entitlement, denied to NI claimants since 2017, will at long last be brought into line with the rest of the UK.

“The Department of Health policy lead on UC advised the All Party Group on Visual Impairment at Stormont on Monday (25 November) that realignment with the rest of the UK will happen within six months. This excellent news will be followed by a six-week public consultation that will lead, at long last, to the changes I have been fighting for years to achieve. 

“This means when changes are eventually introduced UC claimants who have no additional income will automatically get free sight tests, free dental check-ups and help with hospital transport costs. UC Claimants who have a monthly additional income over the UK-wide threshold of £438 will have reduced eyecare assistance. 

“This is great news for UC recipients all over Northern Ireland, and I would like to pay tribute to the effective, high-level local and UK lobbying by RNIB NI, OptometryNI, NI Optometric Society, The College of Optometrists and The Association of Optometrists. In particular, I’d like to thank Sam Baird Optician who ensured the matter remained in the public eye.

“Until the changes are introduced people in receipt of UC will still be required to hold an approved HC1 before they can receive free sight tests, dental treatment or help with travel costs. UC claimants can access the HC1 form via”