In response to correspondence with Alliance Councillor Joy Ferguson, DfI have described the provision made for an ‘elevated position for Phase 2 of the A1 within a tier 3 prioritisation list’. The department will continue to finalise the business case and contract documentation to bring forward the improvements when appropriate budget becomes available.
The Alliance Party have passed motions at three different Councils along the A1 route calling for planned upgrades to be expedited.
Cllr Ferguson once again stressed the importance of road safety improvements on the A1, saying: “The A1 continues to be one of our most dangerous roads. I welcome the letter from the Department for Infrastructure indicating they’re exploring a phased approach, which is particularly helpful for the more notorious junctions. Recently I received reports of U-turns continuing at the Castlewellan Road/Old Manse Road junction and have asked the department to place signage at this junction as a basic interim safety measure.
“I would like to thank my Alliance colleagues at Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Newry, Mourne Down Council for bringing forward similar motions to push the A1 back up the infrastructure agenda. Local Councils along the A1 corridor have shown clear leadership in this regard.
“Funding remains an issue however and it’s imperative an Executive returns as soon as possible to politically direct the priority of this project and allocate much-needed funding. Alliance will continue doing all it can to see these improvements delivered.”