The CBI analysis has shown that making the most of the green economy could deliver £37-57 billion to GDP by 2023.
The Lagan Valley MLA said, “While the CBI analysis clearly outlines the significant opportunity for the UK presented by specific areas of the green economy, it also highlights some of the major challenges we face.”
“We are in a race against other countries to secure green investment and government, both in Westminster and regionally; we must ensure policies and plans match the emergency we are in.”
“Within the analysis are some good recommendations including a review of the tax systems to ensure it supports net zero transition, the development of a Net Zero Investment Plan and incorporating green skills into existing training opportunities.”
“Given the DUP boycott, Northern Ireland is in a particularly challenging place and is falling further behind in taking advantage of the green economy. Amongst many things, we need to urgently sort out planning regulations and systems to ensure decisions around green energy projects are made quickly; the upgrade of our grid infrastructure needs to accelerate (which requires major investment); and our workforce development needs to focus on green skills.”
“While the DUP continue to block governance here, we need to look at other ways to implement net zero strategies and policies as climate change is not waiting for the DUP to work out their internal problems.”