Sub-regional balance will be key to unlocking full economic potential of NI, say Alliance Economy representatives.

Alliance Economy spokespeople Kate Nicholl MLA and David Honeyford MLA have today welcomed the publication of the Sub-Regional Economic Plan.

Economy Kate Nicholl David Honeyford

However, they also stressed the importance of an integrated approach that addresses key barriers to growth and development, and also increases inward investment across Northern Ireland.


Ms Nicholl has said: “Alliance is committed to encouraging a fair regional and social distribution of investment opportunities across Northern Ireland. With that in mind, it is positive to see the Economy Minister bringing forward this plan to address historic underinvestment in key areas across Northern Ireland.


“Whilst the plan is welcome, there is, however, a distinct lack of detail around key elements, such as how decarbonisation targets will be met in the context of economic growth.


“It also references the importance of the City and Growth Deal projects, and so it is crucial that the UK Government now urgently lift the pause on the Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid-South West Growth Deals in particular, as important drivers of sub-regional economic growth.”


Mr Honeyford added: “Our planning system also urgently needs reform, and this will be key to unlocking more balanced development and growth. It is disappointing that the minister has not recognised this within the Sub-Regional Economic Plan.


“As we’ve previously argued, we need a planning system that delivers sustainable development, protects our environment, and works to help our economy move forward. Failure to deliver a smoother and more efficient planning system will lead to a failure to deliver regional balance.


“We urgently need the Infrastructure Minister to bring forward serious and costed proposals, and work with the Economy Minister to increase investment right across the NI. That will be crucial for delivering sub-regional balance.”