The East Antrim MLA was speaking after the submission of his proposed Bill on incorporating the UNCRPD in public authorities. The Bill would see that public authorities in Northern Ireland would be obligated to give proper account to the UNCRPD with respect to their functions. The incorporation of the UNCRPD will advance and update disability rights and aim to further eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities.
Mr Donnelly said: “This bill will be the first step in incorporating the UNCRPD in Northern Ireland and will require public authorities to regularly publish reports on the actions they are taking to meet the UNCRPD requirements, ensuring that they encompass its principles.
“The UK Government has signed and ratified the UNCRPD and its Optional Protocol, but neither it nor the Northern Ireland Assembly or Executive have taken any further steps towards incorporating the UNCRPD into domestic law. One in four people in Northern Ireland has a disability and it must be made a priority to ensure those with a disability are treated fairly and have equal access to opportunities.
“The UNCRPD is the globally recognised standard for disability rights, and its incorporation in public authorities would be a positive step for NI, especially in regard to reducing the legal inequalities between us and the rest of the UK.
“Integrating the UNCRPD in Northern Ireland is long overdue. Disability Action’s previous reports indicate there are several areas within policy, practice, and legislation within NI that are non-compliant with the UNCRPD, and this is not acceptable. I hope this Bill will make a significant change in advancing and updating disability rights whilst we continue to wait for the Executive and the Communities Minister to develop further UNCRPD legislation.”
August 14, 2024
Private Members’ Bill first step towards incorporating UNCRPD in NI, says Donnelly
An Assembly Private Members’ Bill is a long overdue first step towards incorporating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in Northern Ireland to advance and update disability rights and eliminate discrimination, says Alliance MLA Danny Donnelly.
Danny Donnelly