The Party’s Health Spokesperson – who tabled the motion - was speaking as she outlined there are plenty of measures on the table that could make a significant difference to the most vulnerable, that requires very little in terms of additional investment.
She added: “From delivering a new social care workforce strategy, to publishing care home minimum standards and tackling the long overdue update to the carer’s strategy, there are many things the Health Minister could take forward that would make a major difference to the lives of people across Northern Ireland.
“We are highlighting this issue as the social care sector is in urgent need of reform, we can’t afford to wait any longer. And while budgetary pressures must always been adhered to, the Minister must now recognise this can’t be an excuse for lack of action.
“We in Alliance understand the pressures that we are facing, but we cannot neglect the social care system. We need to ensure that the money and budget is used strategically and to help those in need.
“We need to ensure that every decision that we make stands up to investing now, to save in the future, and targeting the most vulnerable in society and within our social care system. The Minister must recognise the time for talking is over and we need action now.”