Mr McMurray said: “The devastating floods that occurred last year left many residents and business owners shattered as they witnessed their homes and businesses being destroyed. The horrific effects of the flooding are still obvious in my constituency, especially in Newcastle and Downpatrick, where shops on the high streets that were once busy are now closed for business due to the aftermath of the floods.
“It has been a year since the floods, and I am disappointed that we have yet to see an effective response or plan from the Government to support those affected. A one-off scheme is insufficient to help town centres recover from the economic shock and help residents rebuild their homes. This situation is unacceptable, and the Department for the Economy urgently needs to develop plans that will provide support and relief to those affected.
“Communities continue to live in fear of adverse weather afraid their homes and businesses will be flooded again. This is a distressing situation that should be avoided and Alliance has called for funding for a Flood Forecasting System and investment to improve rainwater management systems to rehabilitate our sewers and prevent such scenes from reoccurring. A Department for Infrastructure Flood Prevention Scheme for homeowners has also seen long delays, with some homeowners still waiting for a response to their applications.
“These floods are a direct result of climate change and NI’s insufficient infrastructure to deal with its effects. With extreme weather conditions likely to reoccur, it is time a sufficient plan is put in place to deal with such events and to prevent families and businesses from experiencing such devastation again.”