Latest figures on attitudes to refugees and asylum seekers reinforce need for relevant strategies, says Bradshaw.

Alliance Executive Office Spokesperson Paula Bradshaw MLA has said newly released statistics, showing a decline in public support for welcoming refugees in Northern Ireland and a decreased backing for allowing asylum seekers to stay, reinforce the urgent need for a Refugee Integration Strategy and other race relations work.

Paula Bradshaw Executive Office
The South Belfast MLA stated: "It’s hard to understand what the Executive Office has been doing on the issue of racial equality and refugee integration since the restoration of devolution almost a year ago, as progress continues to be frustratingly slow. These issues should have been an absolute priority, particularly after the riots in late July and early August, and yet still we see no sign of urgency whatsoever.

“Minority ethnic communities are left wondering where promised action actually is. This concern is coupled with the extremely disappointing response from the deputy First Minister to an Assembly motion making a basic request to learn from the disgraceful scenes over the summer and the ongoing rise in race hate attacks, which are continuing seemingly without serious intervention.

"The figures regarding public support for providing refugee protection and related questions show that Northern Ireland remains at heart a welcoming society, but the trends are all pointing in the wrong direction and this is in part because there is no Refugee Integration Strategy and thus no real guidance on how refugees should be integrated into society here.

"With a clear Strategy accompanied by the necessary work on updating race relations legislation and delivering meaningful racial equality, we would be in a much better place to ensure that those who come to Northern Ireland to escape persecution will be better integrated and supported, and thus better able to contribute to society here.

"In 2025 we need to see much more urgency in the Executive Office's work on this and a host of other matters."