The South Belfast MLA said: “This important report should act as a wake-up call for the Minister to implement significant improvements in the delivery of the Skills Strategy and to better align the provision in further and higher educational settings with the needs of the economy. If Northern Ireland is to fulfil its economic potential, the Minister must ramp up the volume of skills available within our economy.
“The report highlights key issues including a reduction in participation in adult learning, limited progress on increasing the proportion of people with Level 2 and 3 or above qualifications, and the high proportion of vacancies in NI due to a lack of skills.
“An ever-growing skills base is vital if we are to deliver the economic and social transformation that Northern Ireland needs. Skills are the foundation of our economic potential and can help to unlock opportunities and transform living standards for our communities.
“The development of a more secure and reliable skills pipeline is vital for all sectors within our society, including business, health and social, education and more. As such, delivering the Skills Strategy will require a much more collaborative and cross-departmental approach. The recommendations within this report offer an important opportunity for the Minister to reflect and implement key improvements to better deliver on the Skills Strategy as a key part of creating a globally competitive economy.”
September 18, 2024
Audit Office report highlights the significant impact of skills shortages on NI economy, says Nicholl
Alliance Economy Spokesperson, Kate Nicholl MLA, has said the ‘Developing the skills for Northern Ireland’s future’ report, published today by the Northern Ireland Audit Office, reveals the stifling impact of skills shortages on our economy and the lack of demonstrable delivery on the Skills Strategy in recent years.
Kate Nicholl